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ViZDoom: A Doom-based AI Research Platform for Visual Reinforcement Learning

机译:ViZDoom:基于Doom的视觉强化aI研究平台   学习



The recent advances in deep neural networks have led to effectivevision-based reinforcement learning methods that have been employed to obtainhuman-level controllers in Atari 2600 games from pixel data. Atari 2600 games,however, do not resemble real-world tasks since they involve non-realistic 2Denvironments and the third-person perspective. Here, we propose a noveltest-bed platform for reinforcement learning research from raw visualinformation which employs the first-person perspective in a semi-realistic 3Dworld. The software, called ViZDoom, is based on the classical first-personshooter video game, Doom. It allows developing bots that play the game usingthe screen buffer. ViZDoom is lightweight, fast, and highly customizable via aconvenient mechanism of user scenarios. In the experimental part, we test theenvironment by trying to learn bots for two scenarios: a basic move-and-shoottask and a more complex maze-navigation problem. Using convolutional deepneural networks with Q-learning and experience replay, for both scenarios, wewere able to train competent bots, which exhibit human-like behaviors. Theresults confirm the utility of ViZDoom as an AI research platform and implythat visual reinforcement learning in 3D realistic first-person perspectiveenvironments is feasible.
机译:深度神经网络的最新进展已导致基于有效视觉的增强学习方法,该方法已被用于从像素数据中获取Atari 2600游戏中的人为控制器。但是,由于Atari 2600游戏涉及非现实的2D环境和第三人称视角,因此它们与现实世界的任务并不相似。在这里,我们提出了一个新颖的测试平台,用于从原始视觉信息中进行强化学习研究,该平台在半现实的3D世界中采用了第一人称视角。名为ViZDoom的软件基于经典的第一人称视角视频游戏Doom。它允许开发使用屏幕缓冲区玩游戏的机器人。通过方便的用户方案机制,ViZDoom轻巧,快速且可高度自定义。在实验部分,我们通过尝试针对两种场景学习机器人来测试环境:基本的移动和射击任务以及更复杂的迷宫导航问题。在这两种情况下,通过使用具有Q学习和经验重播的卷积深度神经网络,我们能够训练出表现出类人行为的机器人。结果证实了ViZDoom作为AI研究平台的实用性,并暗示在3D逼真的第一人称视角环境中进行视觉强化学习是可行的。



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